Feb 7, 2011

DIY Lens and Hours in Photoshop

Fasten your seat belts, this is going to be a quick one. As always, enjoy some nice music while you read.

Today was a pretty normal day. Woke up, went back to sleep, begrudgingly woke up again, took a shower, went to work, came home, spent two hours on flickr. The usual.

I did also spend a little bit of time going through the DIY photo archives. I managed to find an interesting post about how to make your own lens out of any concave or convex pieces of glass. Daily readers will know that I happen to be the proud owner of a very nice piece of concave glass, so wouldn't you know it I decided to make my own lens. The images are fuzzy and allow me to take some pretty neat macro shots, but I need to tweak the finished product a bit more before I post any pictures I'm willing to put my name on.

Additionally, I spent quite a few hours in photoshop tonight. I wasn't doing anything inparticular, just typing random words into google and seeing what images came up. If I was inspired I would make something. Here is one of my creations.

My roommate affectionately named it Barrack O'thulu. Two guesses why.

I heard I missed a football game today? Probably nothing exciting.

As per the new segment here is a flickr photo I found interesting tonight.

Talk about being in the right place at the right time. This photo has the rule of thirds we talked about yesterday covered, as well as all the parallels paralleled. The little girl in pink really draws your eye. I will admit that her looking up at the man does make this photo seem a little too perfect. Perhaps it was staged, but I prefer to think that someone happened to be in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. Call me naive. It is cropped a little since I have to take screen shots of these. Flickr is a little funny about people yanking their images. Hope you all enjoy it anyway.

Told you this would be a quick one. It's back to photoshop for me. Goodnight everyone

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