Jan 27, 2011

Film Development and Mind-Numbing Philosophy

Today held many exciting things. First off, here's some music for your read.

On to today. It started, as any other day, with my obnoxious 'old phone' ring tone screaming at me to get out of bed. After a quick shower and breakfast, I was off to class. A class which, despite my initial interest, will prove to be the bane of my existence this semester. I never though someone could talk so much without actually making a conclusion. The class is Philosophy of the Human Person. The title seems innocent enough, but it is deceptive. My mind craves solid answers to even the toughest of questions, a hunger this class seems like it will never sate. Every time the professor rolls around to some ambiguous point it is simply discredited by the next topic. We seem to run in circles for an hour and fifteen minutes, never to come to any actual end. Thank God for 10:50.

My next class was much better. It is entitled Feature Writing, a class where you (what else) learn to write features. Our guest speaker today was Claudia Feldman (I think that's spelled correctly). She was an absolutely wonderful speaker. So much real world advice wrapped up into such a small time, it was a little overwhelming. Moving on though.

The highlight of my day was my photography class. I developed, for the first time, film. Film I shot several days ago. It has been burning a hole in my camera bag ever since. For someone like myself, who is used to only shooting digitally, it is a bit nerve racking to not instantly have feedback on a shot. Normally I can guess the controls, snap a few pictures, and adjust. With the film camera it is definitely much more intuitive. You really cannot let the camera do much work for you. Luckily, the film came out ok. I won't know for two more weeks what the pictures look like on paper, but I did see the negatives and some of them looked promising.

I guess that about sums it up. Not nearly as interesting as it seemed in my head, but I had a very exciting day none the less. Now all that's left to do is catch up on today's news and get ready for a work filled weekend. I'm very curious to see what my weekend blogs will be like. I anticipate they will either be very dull and short, or long rants about how customers say the silliest things. Only time will tell.

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