Feb 12, 2011

Iced Tea With Lemon is Terrible and Photography is Meticulous

There are three versions of this song. The original, a remake by the Black Lips, and this version which comes from the movie Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World. This one is my favorite. Enjoy.

Work went by much faster today. I still ened up being trapped on the register for a while, but there was plenty of time on the floor as well. Not very eventful though. I spent most of the day waiting for the next hour to come around. Does that happen to anyone else? During the day time doesn't seem to move, but right at the end you're thinking "man that day flew by." That's how most of my work days are.

They say I need some rogaine to put in my hair. Working out at the gym to fit my underwear. Oakley makes the shades that transform a tool. You'd hate for the kids to think that you'd lost your cool. I eat my candy with the pork and beans. (Weezer please don't sue me).

I tried to fix the pringles can lens and, to my dismay, I cannot seem to get the glue to hold. I'm not sure if it's the particular glue I bought or if the plastic just doesn't bond well. I have some awesome glue that I love at home, so I'll pick it up next time and give it a go. The main problem with the lens as of now is that it cannot support it's own weight. Not even a little bit. If I don't hold it at all, and I mean all, times then it will fall right off the camera. I cannot have that happening, so until I have a little confidence in it it is going to sit on the desk.

I am going to try one more time tomorrow to wake up early. It's 11:26 as I write this, and I need to wake up at about 7:30. That's almost eight hours of sleep, so I should feel fine in the morning. Right? The past two nights when I tried to do that I only got about six hours of sleep. Maybe that's why I failed both times. There's only one way to find out.

To conclude tonight's short blog, here's the picture of the day, and it's a good one.

Ah, see?! I told you. Thats creative right? I have been thinking about this idea for a while, as many photographers undoubtedly have. What makes this photo stand out to me though, is that he did not make the puddle the picture. Instead, the building is the center piece and the road/puddle simply reveal that the building is a reflection. Also, notice where the yellow stripes are. Right on the thirds. Same with the top of the building. The shot is wonderfully composed, as well as exposed. There was definitely some processing in photoshop, but even so this seems like it was a great shot right out of the camera.

A thought occurred to me that I should probably be giving credit to all these nice photos I show. You can see more of this gentleman's work here.

I hope everyone had a great day. Hopefully I will be taking pictures and developing tomorrow, so I should have a nice blog for everyone. Goodnight.

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